Ampoule Filling Machine
The modern design of STERILINE ampoule-filling machines takes into consideration the latest requirements for Fill and Finish Manufacturing.
Key features
- Capacity up to 24000 pcs/h
- Statistical 0 to 100% check weighing IPC
- Quick changeover

- Linear walking beam transport system
- Minimised footprint with small width suitable for the application of barrier systems such as oRABS, cRABS and isolators, reducing the volume to be monitored and sanitised
- In-feed belt system designed to achieve trouble-free connection with the upstream depyrogenation tunnel
- Continuous environmental monitoring system
- Bottom up filling by peristaltic pumps and/or volumetric pumps actuated by brushless motors, to allow precise filling volume and easy adjustment of the pumps by means of the HMI
- Gas flushing inside the ampoules before and after filling
- 0 to100% check weighing IPC (In Process Control) with feedback to the dosing pumps;
- Preheating unit
- Sealing stations with mechanical draw-off system, burners and flame adjustment system and heat exhaust system
- Final discharge system
- Individual rejection system
- Single lane outfeed
The STERILINE filling machines of the AFM series handle standard ampoule range sizes with minimum number of format change parts at production speeds of up to 400 p/min.
The filling machines are equipped with an in-feed belt system for empty ampoules that feeds into the walking beam transport system.
The desired product volume is dispensed inside the ampoules by means of high accuracy volumetric (ceramic or AISI316L) or peristaltic filling pumps. Filling operations are carried out in a single step through AISI316L dosing nozzles mounted on nozzle supports.
To avoid foaming and to grant quality of finished product, the filling system uses diving nozzles that are retracted upwards during the filling operation. Each ampoule can be individually weighed before and after filling and the net weight is calculated. If the dose is not correct, a feedback control loop automatically adjusts the filling volume for each individual filling pump.
After filling, the ampoules are transferred to the preheating station and then to the sealing station for final closing.
At the end of the process, the ampoules are discharged in trays or rejected if defective ampoules are detected.
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